How to make jam filled buns (fastelavnsboller)

Make Jam Filled Buns (Fastelavnsboller)


In this guide I am going to show you how to make jam filled buns (fastelavns buns in Danish). Fastelavn is like Halloween in Denmark, you wear colorful costumes, goes trick or treat....

In this guide I am going to show you how to make jam filled buns (fastelavns buns in Danish). Fastelavn is like Halloween in Denmark, you wear colorful costumes, goes trick or treat....

But most important: The fastelavn buns!

Get your flour

Get your flour

Add it to the mixer with the sugar, butter and a little salt

Add it to the mixer with the sugar, butter and a little salt

Warm the milk, but just so you can dip your pinky finger, and not getting burned, this is very important!

Warm the milk, but just so you can dip your pinky finger, and not getting burned, this is very important!

Mix that batter! :P

Mix that batter! :P

Crack the egg

Crack the egg

Pour it in the the milk

Pour it in the the milk

Whisk it!

Whisk it!

Add yeast in little pieces

Add yeast in little pieces

Whisk till its gone

Whisk till its gone

Pour milk (with egg and yeast) in the dry batter

Pour milk (with egg and yeast) in the dry batter

If its too wet, like mine, add more flour

If its too wet, like mine, add more flour

Mix it!

Mix it!

Set it to rest with a blanket over, for an hour and a half

Set it to rest with a blanket over, for an hour and a half



Pour flour on the table

Pour flour on the table

Batter out

Batter out

Roll the batter to ca. 11 small balls

Roll the batter to ca. 11 small balls

Clap them flat, like a pancake

Clap them flat, like a pancake



Add a teaspoon of the jam in the middle of each bun

Add a teaspoon of the jam in the middle of each bun

Pack it like you want and squeeze the sides so the jam doesn't run out

Pack it like you want and squeeze the sides so the jam doesn't run out

I made a lot of different shapes. Meanwhile the oven preheats, let the buns rest for 25 minutes

I made a lot of different shapes. Meanwhile the oven preheats, let the buns rest for 25 minutes

Put in the oven at 200 degrees centigrade in 15-20 minutes

Put in the oven at 200 degrees centigrade in 15-20 minutes

When they begin to get a golden color, it's time to take them out

Enjoy the delicious buns you made. Mmhhh!

Enjoy the delicious buns you made. Mmhhh!

If you want, you can cover them in frosting and sprinkles, but I choose not to. Thanks for reading, hope you liked the guide! You are welcome to leave a like and I'm open for new suggestions! :)

  • 200.0g Flour
  • 75.0g Butter
  • Salt
  • 1.0c Milk
  • 1.0 Egg
  • 25.0g Yeast