How to make ice cream cake!

Make Ice Cream Cake!


slice the swiss roll -  about 1 inch thick slices

slice the swiss roll - about 1 inch thick slices

line your bowl with cling film making sure some hangs over the edge and there are no gaps.

line your bowl with cling film making sure some hangs over the edge and there are no gaps.

Line the bowl with your slices of swiss roll until the whole thing is covered. Use left over bits to fill gaps between slices

FREEZE! place the bowl in the freezer for 1-2 hours

Then start to layer ice cream on top of the swiss roll slices. (I used chocolate first) do this until you have a good inch thick layer of ice cream. Then return to freezer for 1-2 hours

Repeat the last step with different flavours of ice cream until the whole bowl is full. Leave to freeze with the excess cling film on top of it.

Leave it there for about a week (or longer if you wish) to make sure its completely frozen.

Remove from freezer, un peel cling film from top and turn the whole bowl upside down onto a plate. Rub the bowl with warm hands to loosen the cake from from the bowl

remove the cling film. slice and serve :)



  • 1.0 large Swiss roll (flavour of your choice)
  • 3/4l ice cream of your choice
  • cling film
  • 1.0 large bowl
  • 1.0 plate
  • lots of hungry people!