How to make humpty dumpty eggs

My updated twist on a Great Depression dish my grandma made for us growing up.


This is a simple dish. I'm certain that families have their own variations and names for it. My grandma called it Humpty Dumpty eggs, I've also seen it described in Angela's Ashes as eggs and goody.

The best thing about it is how simple and versatile it is. It's comfort food, my sisters and I love it and do so our kids, even the ones who say 'I hate eggs!' lol

Traditionally, my family has always made this with soft boiled eggs. But one morning... I got lazy, I made them the following way and I haven't gone back to soft boiled ever since. Let's get started!

Heat you stove, just to medium. No matter how my h you'd like to don't put it on high, it cooks quickly enough on medium I swear lol.

Heat you stove, just to medium. No matter how my h you'd like to don't put it on high, it cooks quickly enough on medium I swear lol.

Butter your pan. When it starts to sizzle its hot enough.

Butter your pan. When it starts to sizzle its hot enough.

I crack my eggs into a separate receptacle to ensure no shells get in and also for even cooking. ( I actually used 3 eggs)

I crack my eggs into a separate receptacle to ensure no shells get in and also for even cooking. ( I actually used 3 eggs)

Pour your eggs in. I poured mine in a little too soon. The whites should begin cooking as soon as they touch the pan. my pan wasn't hot enough.

Pour your eggs in. I poured mine in a little too soon. The whites should begin cooking as soon as they touch the pan. my pan wasn't hot enough.

While your eggs cook, tear up your bread into strips/chunks. You can use stale bread but we always use fresh whole wheat or whole grain bread. I use one piece of bread per egg.

While your eggs cook, tear up your bread into strips/chunks. You can use stale bread but we always use fresh whole wheat or whole grain bread. I use one piece of bread per egg.

At this point you can drag the cooked whites towards the center and let the loose whites flow out and  cook. I prefer this to the way I do over easy eggs because it makes them fluffier.

At this point you can drag the cooked whites towards the center and let the loose whites flow out and cook. I prefer this to the way I do over easy eggs because it makes them fluffier.

Or if you want slightly more cooked eggs, such as for a child, split the eggs apart and let the white flow out and cook.

Or if you want slightly more cooked eggs, such as for a child, split the eggs apart and let the white flow out and cook.

You don't want the yolk to cook through. Basically you want a sunny side up egg. Put it on you bread. Add salt and pepper or sugar(mnmmm yummy!) or what ever you'd like.

You don't want the yolk to cook through. Basically you want a sunny side up egg. Put it on you bread. Add salt and pepper or sugar(mnmmm yummy!) or what ever you'd like.

Not stir it up till it looks gross and delicious lol. And enjoy warm. Don't let the looks of it fool you it's amazing!

Does your family have another name or version of this? Let me know in a comment! I'd love to collect a list of variations!

  • Eggs
  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Sugar/salt/pepper etc (optional)
  • Bowl, fork, pan, spatula