How to make homemade pasta without a machine
Make Homemade Pasta Without a Machine
Get all of your supplies ready. Supplies are listed in the supply tab below⬇️
Clean your surface VERY WELL!
Measure your flour out on the counter, add a pinch of salt, and shape it into a well with your hands.
Crack your eggs into the “well” and mix with your hands. It will feel weird, and you may need more flour. Just add flour until it’s not very wet and sticky.
There. Now shape it into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap.
Place that in the fridge for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, take it out of the fridge and unwrap it. Get your rolling pin, cutting board, and sharp knife ready. You can also use a pizza cutter if you want.
Tear off a chunk and re-wrap the rest and place it back in the fridge. Lightly flour the counter and your ball. (VERY lightly)
Roll it out long and thin. Make it as thin as you can. Transfer this to the cutting board.
Use your knife or pizza cutter to cut strips. They don’t have to be perfect.
Then place your strips on your drying rack. My dad made this out of wood and dowels.
Continue tearing off chunks, putting the rest back in the fridge, rolling it out and cutting it until you have used all the dough.
And... tada! Now just let it dry for a few hours, or use it immediately. Store it in a ziplock bag until you want to use it. If you don’t dry it, it only takes 3-5 minutes to cook. Thanks! Bye! 👋🏻
- 1/2c Flour
- 3.0c Eggs
- 1.0pch Salt
- 1.0 Rolling pin
- 1.0 Cutting board
- 1.0 Sharp knife
- Plastic wrap
- 1.0 Counter
- Something to dry your pasta on
Myranda @Girlofalltrades19 On Instagram
I guess you could say I am a Jack of all trades and master of most!
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