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How to make home made tuna melt hot pockets

This incredibly simple recipe really has no real recipe since its all up to your taste buds.


Alright let's get started. Remember that this recipe depends solely on your taste buds! Also, make sure your oven is pre-heated to 350F.

Here's what I used. Please note the flavored mayonnaise. I used the garlic and herb variety here. You can use a different flavor or plain mayonnaise. Use whatever you like!

Here's what I used. Please note the flavored mayonnaise. I used the garlic and herb variety here. You can use a different flavor or plain mayonnaise. Use whatever you like!

Mix the tuna, cheese, onion, mayo, salt, and pepper together. Give it a taste and adjust for seasoning as you see fit.

Mix the tuna, cheese, onion, mayo, salt, and pepper together. Give it a taste and adjust for seasoning as you see fit.

Take half of the package of crescent rolls (4 triangle things) and lay it flat on a cookie sheet. Using your fingers, press down on the seams to close them off. Make sure you have no spaces.

Lay your tuna mixture in the center of the crescent rolls.

Lay your tuna mixture in the center of the crescent rolls.

Lay the remaining four triangles over the tuna mixture to form a pouch or pocket. Press down on the border of the crescent rolls to form a seal. Ensure there are no gaps on the top layer as well.

I forgot to take a picture of what it should look like before it gets put in the oven but I'm sure you can tell by this picture.

I forgot to take a picture of what it should look like before it gets put in the oven but I'm sure you can tell by this picture.

When it's a nice golden brown color (10-14 minutes) remove it from the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes.

When it's a nice golden brown color (10-14 minutes) remove it from the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes.

It's finished! You should have a flaky crust with piping hot filling and melted cheese. Enjoy!

It's also important to note that one package made a single large hot pocket. You can use smaller amounts of filling with two triangles, then folding it over to seal. This method makes eight pockets.

  • One can of tuna (drained)
  • One 8oz package of crescent rolls
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Onion to taste
  • Shredded mild cheddar cheese
  • Mayonnaise (plain or flavored)