How to make home made noodles w/ an omega juicer
Making 1 1/2 lbs. of green whole wheat noodles with the Omega 8006 juicer.
The KitchenAid and Omega eat up tons of countertop real estate. Let's put 'em to use!
Here's the goods. You can use water instead of greens, but since you're using the Omega anyway, green up those noods for some additional color - and nutrition!
Make at least 4 tablespoons worth of fresh green juice. Use whatever you have on hand. This time it was spinach and kale (4 small Lacinato Kale leaves and 2 or 3 fistfuls of spinach).
Throw everything in your Grandma's KitchenAid mixer and equip it with the dough hook. Run that antique at medium power for about 5 minutes.
When your green dough ball looks about right, cut it into strips that'll fit through the Omega feed tube.
Before swapping out the Omega juicing screen for the blank screen, go ahead and make some super yum Carrot Celery Beet Apple juice. (Optional)
Give the Omega parts a rinse and put it back together with the blank screen and noodle nozzle of your choice. (I went with the bigger round nozzle)
Feed your dough strips into the Omega and cut them with scissors at your desired length. Don't blink, they come out fast. Have your KitchenAid mixing bowl close by to drape the noods as you cut them.
A 2nd chef would be helpful for feeding the dough into the Omega and to assist during the noodle making chaos...and to take pictures.
When you're done, you have maybe the coolest looking thing you'll see in the kitchen. A green noodle-rimmed bowl of homemade pasta goodness.
Boil some water and cook the noodles for only 3-4 minutes. Drain and toss those noodley doodlies with some sauce. For this batch, I simply added fresh Parm and a 1-2 Tbs of both butter and olive oil.
Don't forget those red pepper flakes! Dig in!!
Some people use their hands to eat.
Oh. Looks like you can use a fork, too. Enjoy...
- Omega juicer
- Kitchen-Aid mixer
- 4.0Tbsp Spinach juiced in the omega
- 1/2c White whole wheat flour
- 1/2c All-purpose white flour
- 4.0 Eggs
- 1.0Tbsp Olive oil
- 1/2tsp Kosher salt
- Scissors