There are a number of recipes for traditional Hessian "Grie Soß" - green sauce. Depending on the region, different herbs will be considered absolutely necessary to do this right.
borage in our school garden
Anyway, one thing is for sure: Each recipe is bound to name seven different herbs (or even more). Have a stroll through your garden and see if you can find any of the following which we used here.
From left to right: lemon balm, borage, chives, thyme, sorrel, parsley, pimpernel.
You might also add dill, tarragon, peppercress and lovage. One should certainly have chervil to make it right. However, due to the late season, it was not available for this meal.
Hack the herbs to a size of your liking. The smaller the pieces, the greener the sauce will eventually be.
Boils the eggs.
By and by mix your yoghurt and sour cream with the herbs. Add the roughly chopped hard-boiled eggs. Finally season with salt and pepper.
Let it rest in the cool for at least one hour.
Enjoy your green sauce, one of the most typical Hessian meals, here with potatoes and red cabbage in sour cream.
- different herbs
- sour cream (in Geman "Schmand" and "saure Sahne")
- yoghurt
- eggs
- pepper and salt