How to make henna tattoo paste

With this recipe, you should be able to do between 15-25 tattoos depending on the size and detail of each tattoo.


Henna powder can be purchased at an Indian market for very cheap. I think I paid about $5 for the bag shown in the picture. One bag will go a long way.



Begin adding lemon juice, around 1/8 cup. Stir until the henna is like a paste and of a consistency like thick mashed potatoes.

Begin adding lemon juice, around 1/8 cup. Stir until the henna is like a paste and of a consistency like thick mashed potatoes.

Seal container with lid or plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 12 hours.

Seal container with lid or plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 12 hours.

After 12 hours is up, add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

After 12 hours is up, add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Then add 1 teaspoon of an essential oil, I use almond oil or lavender.

Then add 1 teaspoon of an essential oil, I use almond oil or lavender.

Cover and let sit for another 12 hours.

After 12 hours is up, add lemon juice a little bit at a time until the henna is less thick and more runny (approximately 2 teaspoons).

After 12 hours is up, add lemon juice a little bit at a time until the henna is less thick and more runny (approximately 2 teaspoons).

Next it's time to fill your applicator with the henna. I have a reusable plastic bottle that I bought from a craft store, so I will explain how I fill that.

If using a bottle, here are the supplies you will need to fill the bottle. If you are using a different kind of applicator, leave a comment and I will certainly help you out (:

If using a bottle, here are the supplies you will need to fill the bottle. If you are using a different kind of applicator, leave a comment and I will certainly help you out (:

The opening on my bottle is small, so I fill a sandwich bag with the henna, twist it until the henna is forced to one corner, cut the tip of the bag off, and squeeze the henna into the bottle.

The opening on my bottle is small, so I fill a sandwich bag with the henna, twist it until the henna is forced to one corner, cut the tip of the bag off, and squeeze the henna into the bottle.

Now the henna paste is complete and you are ready to start applying the henna designs to skin (:

Now the henna paste is complete and you are ready to start applying the henna designs to skin (:

Coming soon: How to Make A Henna Design and How to Make Soap. Feel free to comment/message me with any questions or concerns! Good luck!

  • Henna powder
  • Lemon juice
  • Sugar
  • Essential oil
  • Strainer/sifter
  • Measuring cups
  • Air tight container
  • Application bottle or henna cone