How to make healthy&easy chickpea flour wraps

Make Healthy&easy Chickpea Flour Wraps


Ingredients: chickpea flour, cumin, paprika powder, sea salt, olive oil, water, coriander

Ingredients: chickpea flour, cumin, paprika powder, sea salt, olive oil, water, coriander

Tools: frying pan, spatula, ladle, teaspoon, measuring jug

Tools: frying pan, spatula, ladle, teaspoon, measuring jug

Tools cont.: chopping knife, chopping board

Tools cont.: chopping knife, chopping board

Mix dry ingredients together with 2tbs of the chopped coriander

Mix dry ingredients together with 2tbs of the chopped coriander

Mix with the water until you get a nice and medium-thick batter.

Mix with the water until you get a nice and medium-thick batter.

Fry on medium heat. Turn when bubbles appear on top of the pancake. Done when golden.

Fry on medium heat. Turn when bubbles appear on top of the pancake. Done when golden.

Garnish with your favorite filling : I used vegan bbq soy 'meat', vegan sour cream and chopped coriander. Enjoy 😋

  • 1.0c Chickpea flour
  • 1.0c Water
  • 1.0tsp Cumin
  • 1.0tsp Paprika powder
  • 1.0pch Sea salt
  • Olive oil
  • 3.0Tbsp Coriander
  • Choice of filling