How to make healthy & yummy oatmeal with chia seeds

Make Healthy & Yummy Oatmeal With Chia Seeds


Ingredients: gluten free oats, chia seeds, cardamom, almond milk

Ingredients: gluten free oats, chia seeds, cardamom, almond milk

Ingredients cont: vanilla bean paste

Ingredients cont: vanilla bean paste

Tools: measuring jug, tablespoon, teaspoon, ladle, casserole

Tools: measuring jug, tablespoon, teaspoon, ladle, casserole

Measure oats & chia seeds

Measure oats & chia seeds

Add to the casserole with almond milk. Add cardamom and vanilla bean paste.

Add to the casserole with almond milk. Add cardamom and vanilla bean paste.

Heat on low-medium heat for 6-8 mins until all liquid is gone.

Heat on low-medium heat for 6-8 mins until all liquid is gone.

Garnish with fruit of choice (I also garnished with cashew butter)

  • 100.0ml Gluten free oats
  • 1.0Tbsp Chia seeds
  • 250.0ml Almond milk
  • 1.0tsp Cardamom
  • 1/4tsp Vanilla bean paste
  • Fruit of choice for garnish