How to make healthy grilled & stuffed paprika

Make Healthy Grilled & Stuffed Paprika


Ingredients: red paprika/sweet peppers, oregano, garlic, olive oil, black olives, mozzarella

Ingredients: red paprika/sweet peppers, oregano, garlic, olive oil, black olives, mozzarella

Tools: chopping board, knife, tablespoon, grill-tray/form (you can use a griddle pan instead of a grill, if so you won't need these)

Tools: chopping board, knife, tablespoon, grill-tray/form (you can use a griddle pan instead of a grill, if so you won't need these)

Rub paprika with olive oil.

Rub paprika with olive oil.

Fill with slices of mozzarella + chopped oregano, olives and garlic.

Fill with slices of mozzarella + chopped oregano, olives and garlic.

Grill on direct heat until charred. (10-12 mins on medium high heat). Then put in the grill-form and let heat for 2-3 mins with the grill closed)

Grill on direct heat until charred. (10-12 mins on medium high heat). Then put in the grill-form and let heat for 2-3 mins with the grill closed)

Ready when the mozzarella is melted .

Ready when the mozzarella is melted .

Enjoy 😋

  • 4.0 Red paprika/sweet peppers
  • 2.0 Mozzarella (round, fresh)
  • 4.0Tbsp Oregano
  • 2.0Tbsp Black olives
  • 2.0 Garlic cloves
  • Olive oil