How to make healthy baked spaghetti squash

Make Healthy Baked Spaghetti Squash


Preheat oven to 375*F and slice your squash in half, scoop out the seeds, and bake upside down for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375*F and slice your squash in half, scoop out the seeds, and bake upside down for 30 minutes.

Remove squash when done and let cool for 5 minutes before taking a fork and scraping out the squash strands.

Remove squash when done and let cool for 5 minutes before taking a fork and scraping out the squash strands.

You'll get a lot of "spaghetti" from just one medium-large squash!

You'll get a lot of "spaghetti" from just one medium-large squash!

Add the squash to a bowl and combine it with all of the Ricotta cheese and half of the Mozzarella cheese.

Add the squash to a bowl and combine it with all of the Ricotta cheese and half of the Mozzarella cheese.

This will be your base for the casserole.  If you don't like squash, feel free to use 8oz of boiled pasta!

This will be your base for the casserole. If you don't like squash, feel free to use 8oz of boiled pasta!

Spread half of your pasta sauce to the bottom of an 8x8" casserole dish. My favorite sauce to use is Prego Italian Sausage and Garlic, but feel free to use whatever you like!

Spread half of your pasta sauce to the bottom of an 8x8" casserole dish. My favorite sauce to use is Prego Italian Sausage and Garlic, but feel free to use whatever you like!

Scoop all of your squash/cheese mixture onto the sauce layer and spread out evenly.

Scoop all of your squash/cheese mixture onto the sauce layer and spread out evenly.

Pour the second half of the pasta sauce over the squash layer and spread evenly.

Pour the second half of the pasta sauce over the squash layer and spread evenly.

Top the casserole with the remaining Mozzarella cheese and bake in a preheated 350*F oven for 20-30 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.

Top the casserole with the remaining Mozzarella cheese and bake in a preheated 350*F oven for 20-30 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.

Remove from oven when bubbly and delicious-smelling and let cool slightly for 10 minutes before cutting into and serving.

Remove from oven when bubbly and delicious-smelling and let cool slightly for 10 minutes before cutting into and serving.

This cheesy casserole with a veggie base is SO good that you'll never even miss the pasta!

This cheesy casserole with a veggie base is SO good that you'll never even miss the pasta!

  • 1 med-large spaghetti squash
  • I 23.5 oz jar of pasta sauce
  • 15 oz light Ricotta cheese
  • 8 oz light Mozzarella cheese