Scale your hazelnuts
Preheat your oven to 180c and put your nuts on a tray
Place in hot over for about 5-8 minutes
Until the skins start to split
Lift out
Place in a tea towel
Like this and start to rub your nuts;)
The skin will easily rub off
When cool enough you can rub your nuts in your hands!
This is how they should look
There is always more than one way to skin a cat, you can also put the nuts into boiling water for 5 minutes to get the skins off then roast in the oven. I prefer doing it my way as I am old school!
Line a tray with silicon sheet or oil a tray
Add sugar to a pan
Put on a low heat with NO water
It will start to melt and caramelise quite fast
Looking good
Nearly there
Add your nuts
And coat
Turn out onto tray to cool, don't put in fridge
When cool smash them up
And blitz in a food processor
Like this until nicely ground
And there you go!
Ok so this is hazelnut praline. You can stop now, put it in a air tight container and keep in the fridge or freezer and sprinkle over desserts, mix into icecream. It has loads off uses! want to make hazelnut paste, so carry on
Keep blitzing on high until the oil starts coming out off your nuts
Just starting
Like this
Add 1 tsp of hazelnut oil, you can also use walnut or veg oil.
Keep on blitzing
This is what you are looking for. From here you can add 1 cup of good dark chocolate and keep blitzing and you will have the best Nutella ever, this is also good on toast!
Hazelnut paste!
- 3.0c Hazelnuts
- 1/2c Caster sugar
- 1.0tsp Hazelnut oil
Jon Bussell
Jon is a Professional chef of 20 years, still loves the sizzle of the pan and teaching others. Happy Cooking?
Melbourne, Australia
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