How to make ground cardamom (easy peasy)

Make Ground Cardamom (Easy Peasy)


Green cardamom pods are the most aromatic. White pods are bleached and less flavorful.

Green cardamom pods are the most aromatic. White pods are bleached and less flavorful.

Squeeze the pods and remove the seeds.

Squeeze the pods and remove the seeds.

Using a wine bottle or a rolling pin, crush the seeds on a hard surface until finely ground.

Using a wine bottle or a rolling pin, crush the seeds on a hard surface until finely ground.

Use fresh ground cardamom in your baking or whole pods in rice and meat dishes. Thanks for viewing. For awesome napkins, please click on

Use fresh ground cardamom in your baking or whole pods in rice and meat dishes. Thanks for viewing. For awesome napkins, please click on

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients