How to make greenapple yogurt for ur breakfast

easy and yummy breakfast!


All that u need

All that u need

cut apple into small piece so it can blend easily  note: peel if u don't like it

cut apple into small piece so it can blend easily note: peel if u don't like it

put yogurt, apple in the blender

put yogurt, apple in the blender



add prunes and blend it a little more

add prunes and blend it a little more

put yogurt in the cup with musli topping

put yogurt in the cup with musli topping


Tip: use very cool apple and yogurt, so it will be more delicious!!

  • 1.0 Green Apple
  • 1.0c Yogurt
  • 1/2c Musli
  • 3.0 Pitted Prunes (Optional)