How to make greek rakomelo

Make Greek Rakomelo


Use greek tsipouro or raki and use a measure to pour up 4 x 4 cl (1.35 Fl.oz)

Use greek tsipouro or raki and use a measure to pour up 4 x 4 cl (1.35 Fl.oz)

Pour the tsipouro in a pot and heat slowly

Pour the tsipouro in a pot and heat slowly

Warm up the tsipouro

Warm up the tsipouro

Add 2 tea spoons of good honey and stir until the honey have dissolved

Add 2 tea spoons of good honey and stir until the honey have dissolved

Add one clove

Add one clove

Add half a tea spoon of cinnamon

Add half a tea spoon of cinnamon

Stir while heating

Stir while heating

Pour up the rakomelo and serve warm. Delicious and warming :)

  • 1/3oz Tsipouro/Raki
  • 2.0tsp Honey
  • 1.0pch Cinnamon
  • 1.0 Clove