How to make gluten free mini baked potato pancakes

Make Gluten Free Mini Baked Potato Pancakes


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Peel and shred the poatoes in a food processor. Put the shredded potatoes in water for a few minutes to remove the excess starch and then pour them into a colander

Press the water out of them. Press hard, you want to get out as much moisture as you can so they crisp up well. Add the onion to the colander and press the water out of that also

Mix the potato, onion, and eggs together in a large bowl Add in the flour and breadcrumbs, mix this all together to combine but DO NOT overmix you want to keep stuff fluffy.

Fold in the salt, pepper, and Parmesan line a baking sheet with parchment paper Spread1 Tbs of olive oil over the paper with your bare hands

With your oiled hands shape the little potato pancakes and place them on the baking sheet.

With your oiled hands shape the little potato pancakes and place them on the baking sheet.

 Place them in the oven...

Place them in the oven...

and bake for about 20 -25 minutes or until they are golden, and crispy around the edges.

and bake for about 20 -25 minutes or until they are golden, and crispy around the edges.

Dab them with the sour cream and add the lentil caviar.

Dab them with the sour cream and add the lentil caviar.

Put it together and serve it up.

Put it together and serve it up.

  • 2.0 large shredded russet potatoes
  • 1/4c onion shredded
  • 2.0 eggs
  • 1/4c glutenfree flour
  • 2.0Tbsp glutenfree bread crumbs
  • 1/4tsp salt
  • 1/4tsp pepper
  • 1/4c grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1.0Tbsp olive oil