How to make glug

Glug is a great way to warm up a chill and makes wives happy ;)


Cheese cloth or nylons works well to hold ingredients, use about 24"x24" Or just tie leg of nylon. Start with orange peels.

Cheese cloth or nylons works well to hold ingredients,  use about 24"x24" Or just tie leg of nylon.        Start with orange peels.

Add prunes

Add prunes

Then raisins

Then raisins



Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon sticks

These are sometimes hard to find, But in every recipe for glug. De-shell them

These are sometimes hard to find, But in every recipe for glug. De-shell them

Tie off so ingredients won't fall out when stirred

Tie off so ingredients won't fall out when stirred

Put in pot with enough water to cover you flavor bag, I used 2.

Put in pot with enough water to cover you flavor bag, I used 2.

Add 2 cups of sugar and simmer for one hour

Add 2 cups of sugar and simmer for one hour

Careful when stirring not to break your bag

Careful when stirring not to break your bag

Your kitchen should be smelling pretty good about now, after about one hour remove flavor bag.

Your kitchen should be smelling pretty good about now, after about one hour remove flavor bag.

Ok, here is where it's up to you . Port wine is essential, but you can add a number of added options. Blackberry brandy is good, any flavored vodkas work well also. I like using grain alcohol .

Ok,  here is where it's up to you . Port wine is essential, but you can add a number of added options. Blackberry brandy is good, any flavored vodkas work well also. I like using grain alcohol .

Add alcohol and remember the key here is not to let the batch boil, that would remove the alcohol. So it's at a simmer with a slow stir. For about ..........15-20 minutes

Add alcohol and remember the key here is not to let the batch boil, that would remove the alcohol.   So it's at a simmer with a slow stir. For about ..........15-20 minutes

Let cool a bit and now you can start bottling

Let cool a bit and now you can start bottling

Remember to have some extra bottles saved because depending on how big of pot and water you used your gonna need them.

Remember to have some extra bottles saved because depending on how big of pot and water you used your gonna need them.

This container is great for this, but you can use any funnel that fits your bottles. Sometimes a pitcher makes it easier as well.

This container is great for this, but you can use any funnel that fits your bottles. Sometimes a pitcher makes it easier as well.

Let Glug cool a bit before capping.

Let Glug cool a bit before capping.

This the fun part, making your own labels. Customizing for gifts and parties is fun

This the fun part, making your own labels. Customizing for gifts and parties is fun

Office supply has all kind of sizes to choose from

Office supply has all kind of sizes to choose from

You can be creative and go all out or like I've done, hand write it.

You can be creative and go all out or like I've done, hand write it.

This years label

This years label

Past years batches ........

Past years batches ........

Remember to heat when serving This is a great spirit to share with friends & family during the cold months. Careful it sneaks up on you :D

Remember to heat  when serving This is a great spirit to share with friends & family during the cold months.  Careful it sneaks up on you  :D

  • 2-3 bottles port wine
  • Bottle grain alcohol
  • Cheese cloth
  • Orange peels 3 or 4
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 2 cups prunes
  • 1 Cup Blanched almonds
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves 4-5
  • Cardamon seeds 3-4 opened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Water
  • Large pot (3gallon)
  • Empty bottles with lids
  • Funnel or container with spout
  • Large spoon