How to make glue with garlic

Make Glue With Garlic


Simply grab a fresh garlic head and peel it

Simply grab a fresh garlic head and peel it

Cut in half a couple of cloves

Cut in half a couple of cloves

Squeeze to extract the juice and apply to the surface to be glued.

Squeeze to extract the juice and apply to the surface to be glued.

It is not efficient on all surfaces and will not replace super glue but works great on paper, leather and glass.

If you want proper glue: - extract and filter the juice of several cloves. - add a pinch of plaster to make a paste. - add water if necessary to change the consistency of the paste

  • 1.0 A head/clove of garlic
  • 1.0 a chopping board
  • 1.0 a knife
  • 1.0 something in need of glueing