How to make funky slipper / socks out of an old cardigan!

Make Funky Slipper / Socks Out of an Old Cardigan!


Cut the sleeves of the jumper / cardigan, and  turn inside out!

Cut the sleeves of the jumper / cardigan, and turn inside out!

Fit the sleeve to your foot like so and then...

Fit the sleeve to your foot like so and then...

Pin or chalk, if pinning leave a cm of room to get it off your foot.. (I got it stuck!)

Pin or chalk, if pinning leave a cm of room to get it off your foot.. (I got it stuck!)

Once it's off your foot, pin it properly (try and use these colourful, ball-end pins as the other thin metal kind become invisible!)

Once it's off your foot, pin it properly (try and use these colourful, ball-end pins as the other thin metal kind become invisible!)



Second fitting \ud83d\ude00 (if its too tight anywhere, unpick and try again! No harm)

Second fitting 😀 (if its too tight anywhere, unpick and try again! No harm)

Cut off excess material, leave about cm spare, to stop the sock from unravelling! Turn right side out and...

Cut off excess material, leave about cm spare, to stop the sock from unravelling! Turn right side out and...

REPEAT for the second sock and tada! \ud83d\ude03

REPEAT for the second sock and tada! 😃

Now decorate anyway you like by hand stitching any fabric decorations on! 😃💜

  • 1.0 Old long sleeved cardigan or jumper
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread :)
  • Chalk
  • Fabric decorations (if you want to decorate!)