How to make fruit leather from cranberries and mango

Make Fruit Leather From Cranberries and Mango


4 cups of fresh or frozen crannberries

4 cups of fresh or frozen crannberries

1 mango, sliced, unpeeled

1 mango, sliced, unpeeled

If you need to defrost fast add cold water

If you need to defrost fast add cold water

Put in Vitamix and blend

Put in Vitamix and blend

Add 1/4 cups of mint leaves

Add 1/4 cups of mint leaves

1 cup of maple syrup

1 cup of maple syrup

Process until smooth, about 30 seconds

Process until smooth, about 30 seconds



You do not need to strain the pur\u00e9e

You do not need to strain the purée

Pour pur\u00e9e onto paper and spread thickly and evenly with a spatula

Pour purée onto paper and spread thickly and evenly with a spatula

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper

Bake 6 hours, or until no longer wet

Bake 6 hours, or until no longer wet

  • 4.0c cranberries
  • 1.0 mango
  • 1.0c maple syrup
  • 1/4c mint leaves