How to make frozen sweet potato dog treats

Make Frozen Sweet Potato Dog Treats


First, clean, slice up, and  steam or boil the sweet potatoes.  I like to use this handy-dandy microwave steamer, but you can do it any way you want!  I also like to leave the skin on, it's good!

First, clean, slice up, and steam or boil the sweet potatoes. I like to use this handy-dandy microwave steamer, but you can do it any way you want! I also like to leave the skin on, it's good!

Mash the sweet potatoes, I add water to make them mash easier.

Mash the sweet potatoes, I add water to make them mash easier.

Find all the bones and toys you want to fill.  If your dogs are like mine, this includes digging deep in their beds, the backyard and under the couch!

Find all the bones and toys you want to fill. If your dogs are like mine, this includes digging deep in their beds, the backyard and under the couch!

Fill the zipper or pastry bag, if using a zipper bag cut the corner off.

Fill the zipper or pastry bag, if using a zipper bag cut the corner off.

Because the bones I am using are open at both ends, I am using cling wrap and a baking sheet to set them on to fill them.

Because the bones I am using are open at both ends, I am using cling wrap and a baking sheet to set them on to fill them.

My audience...

My audience...

Squeeze the sweet potato into the bones/ toys to fill them.

Squeeze the sweet potato into the bones/ toys to fill them.

Cellophane on both ends and then into the freezer! I leave them overnight, then the boys have a tasty treat!

  • Hollow dog toy or bone
  • Sweet potatoes and water
  • Mixer or food processor
  • Zipper bag or Pastry Bag
  • Cellophane wrap