How to make flower towers

Whimsical way to maximize small garden space


Place largest pot and thread rebar through hole. Pound rebar at least a foot down for stability. Fill with dirt & pack down

Now thread 1 smaller pot over rebar. Set it in bottom pot tilted. Repeat till rebar is covered Tilt as you go. May need to hammer rebar little farther in

Fill pots with dirt then put in flowers. !!!

Type of plants are going to depend on exposure Mine gets a lot of sun but shade at weird times. I tried to get vine type flowers. And I threw in sweet potato vine in a couple to trail down

I also did a smaller shorter version w 1 large 3 medium & 1 smaller pot to cover rebar. It's whimsical so play w shapes & sizes.

Here's a photo of complete garden

  • 1 large clay pot
  • 5 slightly smaller clay pots
  • 6 feet rebar
  • Potting soil. I used moisture release
  • Plants to fill pots
  • Hammer if ground is hard to get rebar deep