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How to make flaky tender buttermilk biscuits

Make Flaky Tender Buttermilk Biscuits


You'll need a large bowl, pastry cutter and 3/4 cup milk and a tsp of white vinegar. Let that sit while you start the dry ingredients

You'll need a large bowl, pastry cutter and 3/4 cup milk and a tsp of white vinegar. Let that sit while you start the dry ingredients

\u20222 1/4 cup flour \u20223/4 tsp baking soda \u20221 TB baking powder and scant \u20222 TB sugar

•2 1/4 cup flour •3/4 tsp baking soda •1 TB baking powder and scant •2 TB sugar

Cut into that, 9 TB of cold butter

Cut into that, 9 TB of cold butter

Once it's gets mixed well and crumbly, add your buttermilk mixture

Once it's gets mixed well and crumbly, add your buttermilk mixture

Pour it in and stir gently

Pour it in and stir gently

I use my hands to knead and pull together

I use my hands to knead and pull together

Place out on a floured surface and use hands to stretch to about 2 1/2 to 3 inch thickness. These are huge yall

Place out on a floured surface and use hands to stretch to about 2 1/2 to 3 inch thickness. These are huge yall

Use a round cutter

Use a round cutter

One recipe makes about 7 large biscuits

One recipe makes about 7 large biscuits

I double my recipe bc I have 6 boys in this house. It's a Cattle call every meal

I double my recipe bc I have 6 boys in this house. It's a Cattle call every meal

Bake at 400\u00b0 for about 15 minutes

Bake at 400° for about 15 minutes

Get the gravy ready

Get the gravy ready

Or jelly

Or jelly

And enjoy!

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients