How to make fiftens

Make Fiftens


Crush up the digestives in to small pieces and set aside in a bowl

Crush up the digestives in to small pieces and set aside in a bowl

Cut up the marshmallows in to little bits (if hard to cut dip scissors in hot  water) and set aside in a bowl

Cut up the marshmallows in to little bits (if hard to cut dip scissors in hot water) and set aside in a bowl

Mix the marshmallows and digestives  together, then Gradually  pour in the condensed milk wile stirring, when it gets stif ned with hands.

Mix the marshmallows and digestives together, then Gradually pour in the condensed milk wile stirring, when it gets stif ned with hands.

Once it has mixed properly roll in to small balls then roll in coconut

Once it has mixed properly roll in to small balls then roll in coconut

Once you have rolled lots of little balls put in fridge for an hour ( till it sets)

Once you have rolled lots of little balls put in fridge for an hour ( till it sets)

Well done you have made fifteens!

  • 15 marshmallows
  • 15 digestevs bisects
  • 2 hand fills of cocconut shavings
  • 1 small tin of condensed milk