How to make espresso freddo

Cold espresso.. The best treatment for the super-hot days! Hosted by @moviepilotlabs


Make a double espresso

Make a double espresso

Get the ice cubes out of the freezer

Get the ice cubes out of the freezer

Put 5-6 ice cubes into your shaker (or even a small jar) and add the espresso

Put 5-6 ice cubes into your shaker (or even a small jar) and add the espresso

Close your shaker with its lid. If you can't find it, just improvise..

Close your shaker with its lid. If you can't find it, just improvise..

Shake well until all ice cubes melt

Shake well until all ice cubes melt

Get a big glass and add a lot of ice cubes

Get a big glass and add a lot of ice cubes

Add your tasty mixture

Add your tasty mixture

Finish with a straw and you're ready to go!

  • 1.0 Double Espresso
  • 10.0 Ice Cubes
  • Shaker
  • Straw