How to make empire biscuits

Traditional Scottish Empire Biscuits


Place softened sticks of butter in a bowl.

Place softened sticks of butter in a bowl.

Pour 1cup of sugar in the bowl and mix with a spoon or your very clean hands.

Pour 1cup of sugar in the bowl and mix with a spoon or your very clean hands.

Once mixed there shouldn't be any lumps of butter or sugar.

Once mixed there shouldn't be any lumps of butter or sugar.

Slowly pour the flour into the sugar/butter mixture, a cup at a time.  Use your hands to mix. You'll use anywhere between 4 & 4 1/2 c of the flour. When it's no longer sticky you should be good!

Slowly pour the flour into the sugar/butter mixture, a cup at a time. Use your hands to mix. You'll use anywhere between 4 & 4 1/2 c of the flour. When it's no longer sticky you should be good!

This is how the dough should look. Roll it into a ball.

This is how the dough should look. Roll it into a ball.

Cut the dough into 4 sections, unless you have a large area to roll it all out.

Cut the dough into 4 sections, unless you have a large area to roll it all out.

Roll 1/4 section of dough into a ball.  I place the dough in between two sheets of floured wax paper to roll it out.

Roll 1/4 section of dough into a ball. I place the dough in between two sheets of floured wax paper to roll it out.

The dough should be about a 1/4 inch thick once rolled out.

The dough should be about a 1/4 inch thick once rolled out.

I used a martini shaker cap to cut my cookies out. The cookies are the perfect size not to small not to large.

I used a martini shaker cap to cut my cookies out. The cookies are the perfect size not to small not to large.

Place cookies on a cookie sheet- do not grease the cookie sheet.  Cook for a total of 14 mins. (7 on the top rack, then 7 on the bottom rack). Don't let the cookies brown.  Cool on a cooling rack

Place cookies on a cookie sheet- do not grease the cookie sheet. Cook for a total of 14 mins. (7 on the top rack, then 7 on the bottom rack). Don't let the cookies brown. Cool on a cooling rack

Once cookies have cooled place a bit of red raspberry jam on the cookie and top with another cookie to make a sandwich. Continue till all cookies have been used up.

Once cookies have cooled place a bit of red raspberry jam on the cookie and top with another cookie to make a sandwich. Continue till all cookies have been used up.

This is what the cookies look like before the icing goes on. I like to chill the cookies for an hour before putting the icing on.  (This pic is a double batch)

This is what the cookies look like before the icing goes on. I like to chill the cookies for an hour before putting the icing on. (This pic is a double batch)

ICING- Pour confectioners sugar into a bowl and slowly pour the liquid into bowl while mixing. You want a thick consistency for the icing so don't just dump all the liquid in.

ICING- Pour confectioners sugar into a bowl and slowly pour the liquid into bowl while mixing. You want a thick consistency for the icing so don't just dump all the liquid in.

Nice thick icing!

Nice thick icing!

Once cookies are iced place a quarter maraschino cherry on top. I chill the final product to set icing. Make a cup of tea and enjoy!

  • 1.0lb Butter (sticks-softened)
  • 1.0c Sugar
  • 1/2c Flour
  • 1.0 Large jar raspberry jam (seedless)
  • 3.0c Confectioners sugar
  • 1/2c Water or Milk
  • 1.0 Jar of Maraschino cherries (quartered)
  • Wax paper
  • Heat oven to 325 degrees