Place softened sticks of butter in a bowl.
Pour 1cup of sugar in the bowl and mix with a spoon or your very clean hands.
Once mixed there shouldn't be any lumps of butter or sugar.
Slowly pour the flour into the sugar/butter mixture, a cup at a time. Use your hands to mix. You'll use anywhere between 4 & 4 1/2 c of the flour. When it's no longer sticky you should be good!
This is how the dough should look. Roll it into a ball.
Cut the dough into 4 sections, unless you have a large area to roll it all out.
Roll 1/4 section of dough into a ball. I place the dough in between two sheets of floured wax paper to roll it out.
The dough should be about a 1/4 inch thick once rolled out.
I used a martini shaker cap to cut my cookies out. The cookies are the perfect size not to small not to large.
Place cookies on a cookie sheet- do not grease the cookie sheet. Cook for a total of 14 mins. (7 on the top rack, then 7 on the bottom rack). Don't let the cookies brown. Cool on a cooling rack
Once cookies have cooled place a bit of red raspberry jam on the cookie and top with another cookie to make a sandwich. Continue till all cookies have been used up.
This is what the cookies look like before the icing goes on. I like to chill the cookies for an hour before putting the icing on. (This pic is a double batch)
ICING- Pour confectioners sugar into a bowl and slowly pour the liquid into bowl while mixing. You want a thick consistency for the icing so don't just dump all the liquid in.
Nice thick icing!
Once cookies are iced place a quarter maraschino cherry on top. I chill the final product to set icing. Make a cup of tea and enjoy!
- 1.0lb Butter (sticks-softened)
- 1.0c Sugar
- 1/2c Flour
- 1.0 Large jar raspberry jam (seedless)
- 3.0c Confectioners sugar
- 1/2c Water or Milk
- 1.0 Jar of Maraschino cherries (quartered)
- Wax paper
- Heat oven to 325 degrees
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