How to make easy peasy lemonade

Make Easy Peasy Lemonade


Gather your supply's

Gather your supply's

Cut one lemon in half

Cut one lemon in half

Squeeze the juice from the lemon

Squeeze the juice from the lemon

Pour lemon juice into jug

Pour lemon juice into jug

Pulp bits add a little texture so add that too

Pulp bits add a little texture so add that too

Doesn't look a lot, but on its own it carry's a punch.

Doesn't look a lot, but on its own it carry's a punch.

Now add sugar

Now add sugar

Now add a spoon and a half of sugar. You can use more or less depending on your preference

Now add a spoon and a half of sugar. You can use more or less depending on your preference

Now give it a good stir

Now give it a good stir

Hey presto, refreshing lemonade

Hey presto, refreshing lemonade

Serve and enjoy!

  • One large lemon
  • Sugar
  • Water