How to make easy oreo crunch bark

Make EASY Oreo Crunch Bark


Break Oreos in small pieces but do not crush. 3 Oreos are broken into larger pieces and used for the top - just to make it pretty!

Break Oreos in small pieces but do not crush. 3 Oreos are broken into larger pieces and used for the top - just to make it pretty!

One bag of white chocolate chips. There is no added flavoring so if you don't have chips you are willing to eat alone, you can add a small amount of vanilla at the very end  - 1/2 teaspoon.

One bag of white chocolate chips. There is no added flavoring so if you don't have chips you are willing to eat alone, you can add a small amount of vanilla at the very end - 1/2 teaspoon.

Parchment paper or wax paper - anything to keep the melted chocolate from sticking to your pan.

Parchment paper or wax paper - anything to keep the melted chocolate from sticking to your pan.

Melt according to directions.

Melt according to directions.

If you are not sure, start out at 50% power for 30 seconds at a time. With stirring in between.

If you are not sure, start out at 50% power for 30 seconds at a time. With stirring in between.

Beautiful - now mix in your small broken pieces of Oreos. It won't be too pretty but stop stirring before it starts to look like dirt :-)

Beautiful - now mix in your small broken pieces of Oreos. It won't be too pretty but stop stirring before it starts to look like dirt :-)

Spread it out on the payment paper and push larger Oreo pieces into the top.  Now - into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Spread it out on the payment paper and push larger Oreo pieces into the top. Now - into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Take a fork and starting at the edge, break your creation into smaller pieces.

Take a fork and starting at the edge, break your creation into smaller pieces.

It will stay fresh in an airtight container. While I wish I could tell you how long this will stay fresh, it never stays around long enough for it to get stale!

  • 15.0 Oreo cookies
  • 3.0 Oreo cookies
  • 15.0oz 1 bag white chocolate chips
  • Parchment paper
  • Cookie sheet