How to make easy homemade play dough (clay)
Super simple and all the ingredients can be found in your kitchen! Enjoy!
Ingredients! (Excuse my very unprofessional tools😜)
Pour 1 cup flour, 1/4 cup salt, and 1 cup water into a mixing bowl( yes I used pink salt)
Add in 1 tablespoon olive oil
Mix and pour into a sauce Pan! Keep the fire on MEDIUM and stir. Don't panic your mixture will be very watery at this step. Add in a few drops of food coloring.
It's starting to form! Stir stir stirrrr
Continue stirring!
It's formed!!!
Scope it out into your table
Whoop! There it is.
Knead by hand. Careful it very hot!
Until the color is even:)
There you go! Home made play dough:) you'll never want to buy them from stores ever again!
Store in a air tight container
NEVER STOP STIRRING WHEN IT IS IN THE SAUCE PAN! Or else it might burn! Add in glitter if you want! It's safe for young children, and it's edible( but I don't encourage you to eat it😜)
- 1.0c Water
- 1.0c Flour
- 1/4c Salt
- 1.0Tbsp Olive oil
- Food coloring