How to make dry shampoo

Make Dry Shampoo


Keep in mind this is for dark hair, thus the cocoa powder.

Mix the corn starch and cocoa powder then add the essential oil, stir.

The essential oil I have is from a local herbal shop.these two together cost: around $2.30. I got one ml of each (about 30 drops)

The essential oil I have is from a local herbal shop.these two together cost: around $2.30. I got one ml of each (about 30 drops)

Transfer to a container that suits your needs. It could be an empty spice jar with holes in the lid or a regular jar.

I apply it with an old makeup brush

  • 1/4c Corn starch
  • 1/4c Cocoa powder
  • 7.0 Drops of essential oil