How to make doxy's roast pork butt

Make Doxy's Roast Pork Butt


Heat oven to 300 degrees. Place pork roast in 8x8 baking dish, or other small, yet deep baking dish.

Combine orange juice and caramels and heat over medium-high heat until caramels have melted, stirring frequently. (You can add more caramels at this point if you'd like it sweeter.)

Combine orange juice and caramels and heat over medium-high heat until caramels have melted, stirring frequently. (You can add more caramels at this point if you'd like it sweeter.)

Add Doxy's Smoky Chipotle Starter to orange juice and caramel mixture and mix well.

Pour mixture over pork roast and cover tightly with aluminum foil. Roast for 4-5 hours or until pork is extremely tender. Turn pork over once during roasting. Baste and replace foil.

About 30 minutes before you're ready to serve, remove foil and allow pork to brown up a bit. When pork is done, remove from oven and place on a separate dish.

Pour the juices in a saucepan and whisk in cornstarch. Bring to a simmer, whisking frequently to ensure it doesn't get lumpy. The sauce will begin to thicken.

When sauce has reached your desired thickness, slice pork and serve with sauce and mashed potatoes.

  • 3lb Pork Butt
  • 2 cups Orange Juice
  • 15 Caramel squares, unwrapped
  • 1 packet Doxy's Smoky Chipotle Starter
  • 1-2 tablespoons Cornstarch