Collect your supplies
You will need a food processor with grating blade and chopping blade
And a giant bowl
Choose your favorite soap. Ivory is inexpensive and mild. Zone is great for hard to clean clothes and stains.
Grate one average bar.
Place in chopping blade on now and blend to make finer granules
Add one cup borax
Add one cup washing soda
Add one cup baking soda
Add 10-20 drops of one or two of your favorite essential oils
One cup of Epsom salts helps soften clothes and saves on softeners
Blend all together and pour into large bowl
Store in your choice of containers. Use one tablespoon per load of laundry. This will even dissolve in cold water, so no worries.
To make dishwasher soap...
Add 1-3 tablespoons real lime or lemon juice
Mix well
Stir well
Break up any clumps
Store in your empty container. Use one tablespoon per load. If you like tabs; press into ice cube trays and let dry over night. Store in same type container. Pop one in for each load
I hope you will give these a try.
- 1.0c Borax
- 1.0c Washing Soda
- 1.0c Baking Soda
- 1.0 Bar soap
- 1.0c Epsom Salt
- 20.0part Essential Oils
- 3.0Tbsp Real lime/lemon juice
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