How to make deoderant

Make Deoderant


Set up a double boiler by retrieving a small saucepan with an inch of water. Then place a glass bowl on top of the saucepan making sure the bowl does not touch the water. Turn heat to medium.

When water is simmering add the beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil to a bowl, then double boil till melted together. When melted turn off the heat.

Turn off the heat when all ingredients are melted together.

With a pot holder remove the glass bowl from the saucepan. Be careful to not spill ingredients and also be careful of the hot surfaces.

While the wax mix is still hot, stir in the vitamin E oil, arrowroot, bentonite clay and baking soda.

Pour half of the mixture into a small bowl. Adding 10 drops of your feminine essential oil into one bowl and adding 10 drops of your masculine essential oil into the other bowl.

Evenly distribute the mixture into the deodorant tubes. Let sit until harden.

After a day of sitting should be set and ready for use.

  • 4.0 Empty Deoderant Containers
  • 4.0Tbsp Beeswax Pastilles
  • 4.0Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 4.0Tbsp Shea Butter
  • 0.5tsp Vitamin E oil
  • 2.0Tbsp aluminum Free Baking Soda
  • 4.0Tbsp Arrowroot Powder
  • 2.0Tbsp Bentonite Clay
  • 20.0 Drops Essential Oil of Choice