How to make delicious, very hot chilli sauce
A great recipe for chilli sauce to share with your friends and family
Select appropriate chilli cooking music. I recommend Pearl Jam or Queens of the Stone Age
Wash your chillies and put them to one side. Go for whatever type of chillies you like, I have found this recipe is best with very hot ones. In this case I used 15 habaneros and 3 ghost chillies
Clear your sink of everything and fill it with hot water and lots of soap. You will be putting your chilli board and knife into here as soon as you're done
Put on a pair of disposable gloves and then put another pair over the top. Use a plastic chopping board and a plastic handled knife (I don't have one) because they are easier to clean than wooden ones
When prepping DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING except the chillies, knife and board. Whatever you touch will become a little surprise bundle of pain for later. Especially keep your hands away from your face
Take the top off your chillies, de-seed and dice. Save a couple of chillies worth of seeds for next years crop, the rest can get fed to the chooks (fact: birds cannot feel the heat from chillies)
If you want a truly brain meltingly hot chilli sauce you can leave the seeds and pith in as the majority of the heat is in these bits. I like my sauce hot but I like to taste it too, so I cut them out
Put your diced chillies into the food processor/blender. I find it easiest to chop one and add it straight away, it limits the danger of it touching other things
Once the chillies are all cut up stick your board and knife in the sink. DON'T TOUCH THE TAPS UNTIL YOU TAKE YOUR GLOVES OFF! Put your gloves in the bin, don't touch the outside of them with bare skin
Now that your hands are clean preheat your oven to 100 C. Peel and crush your garlic cloves into the processor. Use as much or as little as you like, my cloves were pretty small so I added a few more
Add the peaches from the can (or tub in this case). You only want to add the fruit, but save the juice for later
Add half a cup of white vinegar and half a cup of balsamic vinegar. This will form the base of the sauce. To balance the sourness add half a cup of brown sugar and half a cup of treacle
Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, Dijon mustard, salt and paprika. I went half and half smoked and sweet paprika but use whatever kind you want
Add 1 tablespoon of black pepper and half a tablespoon (2 teaspoons) of ground cumin. The cumin will form a base for all the other flavours; add more if you like but not too much or it will dominate
Add half a teaspoon of ground coriander, ground ginger, ground allspice and mustard powder. These are stronger flavours which bring a little tweak to the end product
Stick the lid on the processor and blend on high until smooth. If it's too thick add some of the peach juice and blend again. If it's too thin we'll fix that next. Taste for seasoning
Get whatever jars or bottles you want to use and put them on an oven tray. Stick them into your preheated oven while you're heating the sauce, it will sterilise them and help them seal
Pour the sauce from the processor into a saucepan and gently bring to a simmer. You can reduce it a bit at this stage if it's too thin. Make sure to stir continuously, don't let it burn or stick
Once the sauce is the thickness you want pour it into a jug. This makes filling the jars much easier. By adding heated sauce to heated jars we should get a good seal and keep the mould out
Grab your hot jars out if the oven. Using a funnel (or without if you have a steady hand) pour the sauce into your heated jars and seal them as you go. Place them somewhere to cool
Once they've cooled down make some labels for them so you don't get chilli sauce confused with your chocolate sauce :-)
Voila! They should keep for a few months without refrigeration but mine's always used before that anyway. Experiment with spices; this is the best blend I've found but I'm always trying new ones out
Have fun!
Variations: -For a hotter and more chilli flavoured sauce use the whole chilli: seeds, membrane and all -If it's too sweet for your tastes omit the brown sugar -Try honey instead of treacle
- 15.0 to 20 Assorted chillies
- 1.0 Can of peaches (400g)
- 6.0 Cloves of garlic
- 1/2c Treacle
- 1/2c Brown sugar
- 1/2c White vinegar
- 1/2c Balsamic vinegar
- 2.0Tbsp Dijon mustard
- 2.0Tbsp Olive oil
- 2.0Tbsp Salt
- 2.0Tbsp Paprika
- 1.0Tbsp Black pepper
- 1/2Tbsp Cumin ground
- 1/2tsp Coriander seed ground
- 1/2tsp Ginger ground
- 1/2tsp Allspice ground
- 1/2tsp Mustard powder
- 1.0 Food processor or Blender
- 2.0 Chopping boards, 1 plastic
- 2.0 Knives
- 4.0 Disposable gloves
- 1.0 Saucepan
- 1.0 Jug
- 1.0 Garlic press
- 1 Litre worth of jars/bottles
- Labels
- 1.0 Sharpie