How to make delicious iced coffee: pour-over style!

While you do need to invest in a couple supplies, if you are serious about quality, and enjoy DIY, this will show you how to make the best iced coffee you've ever had.


Heat your water, bringing it to a full boil. The exact amount of water is not important at this step.

Heat your water, bringing it to a full boil. The exact amount of water is not important at this step.

Break out your high quality whole bean coffee. We are grinding fresh for this, which gives it the delicious flavor. Using a lighter roast is recommended and will give you more unique flavors.

Measure out about 17 grams of beans. *Once you've tried this guide, you can modify this quantity depending on how strong you like your coffee.

Measure out about 17 grams of beans. *Once you've tried this guide, you can modify this quantity depending on how strong you like your coffee.

Toss a paper filter in your pour-over vessel. Many people prefer Mellita brand filters. You could also use a glass Chemex vessel and Chemex brand filters for even better quality.

Toss a paper filter in your pour-over vessel. Many people prefer Mellita brand filters. You could also use a glass Chemex vessel and Chemex brand filters for even better quality.

Grind your beans on the slightly finer side. You want the whole pour-over process to last about 2:30-3:00 minutes in total, and the grind is 1 factor to this (the pour is the other)

Grind your beans on the slightly finer side. You want the whole pour-over process to last about 2:30-3:00 minutes in total, and the grind is 1 factor to this (the pour is the other)

Dump your freshly ground coffee in. Shake to even it out in the vessel, no need to pack down.

Dump your freshly ground coffee in. Shake to even it out in the vessel, no need to pack down.

Fill your glass with ice up to the top. Assemble as shown. Tare your scale to zero. As we pour, we are going to measure the amount of water being added with the scale to 175 grams.

Fill your glass with ice up to the top. Assemble as shown. Tare your scale to zero. As we pour, we are going to measure the amount of water being added with the scale to 175 grams.

Slowly pour the rest of your water in using small increments, being careful not to add too much at once. Aim for a roughly 2:30-3:00 minute process.

Slowly pour the rest of your water in using small increments, being careful not to add too much at once. Aim for a roughly 2:30-3:00 minute process.

Stop after adding about 175 grams of water. Wait for all the water to drip through. The ice melt and added water combine. *for a non-iced version, you'd pour about 280 grams of hot water for a 8oz cup

Stop after adding about 175 grams of water. Wait for all the water to drip through. The ice melt and added water combine. *for a non-iced version, you'd pour about 280 grams of hot water for a 8oz cup

Taste. You will be amazed at how delicious this is. The ice essentially locks in the coffees flavor when it cools it. Large batches last 24 hours. Sorry if I've ruined all other iced coffees for you!

Taste. You will be amazed at how delicious this is. The ice essentially locks in the coffees flavor when it cools it. Large batches last 24 hours. Sorry if I've ruined all other iced coffees for you!

This whole process takes about 4 minutes, plus the time it takes to boil the water (about 6 mins). If you don't use good, fresh coffee, or your water is not hot off a boil, you will fail. Enjoy!

This whole process takes about 4 minutes, plus the time it takes to boil the water (about 6 mins). If you don't use good, fresh coffee, or your water is not hot off a boil, you will fail. Enjoy!

  • Digital kitchen scale
  • Kettle
  • Grinder (preferably a burr grinder)
  • Water (filtered tastes best)
  • Freshly roasted quality whole coffee beans
  • Paper filter (Melitta brand is good)
  • Pour-over vessel