How to make delicious hot cocoa

My grandma taught me this and she always said that this is the right way to Make hot cocoa:)


Supplies:) look at the "supplies list":)

Supplies:) look at the "supplies list":)

It should look something like this then you're done mixing:)

It should look something like this then you're done mixing:)

Pour milk into pot and heat up at low heat so it won't burn!

Pour milk into pot and heat up at low heat so it won't burn!

Then the milk is almost hot enough add the cocoa mixture into the pot

Then the milk is almost hot enough add the cocoa mixture into the pot

And whip it till it looks something like this:)

And whip it till it looks something like this:)

Pour back into cup:)

Pour back into cup:)

Add whipped cream or Marshmallows:)

Add whipped cream or Marshmallows:)

And enjoy:)

And enjoy:)

  • 1.0c Milk
  • 3.0tsp Cocoa powder
  • 4.0tsp Sugar
  • 1.0 Spoon
  • 1.0 Cup
  • Little container
  • Whisk