How to make cute furniture with crates

Make Cute Furniture With Crates


Get your crates, and sand them if needed

Get your crates, and sand them if needed

Mix up your paints or wooden ageing of choice

Mix up your paints or wooden ageing of choice

Paint the crates with care not to miss any bits!

Paint the crates with care not to miss any bits!

You might want to varnish it as well!

After dry, screw the corners of all 6 crates together in the pattern you want to achieve

After dry, screw the corners of all 6 crates together in the pattern you want to achieve

You can make pretty much anything you want! Shelves, book stands, tv room table, just let your imagination run wild!!

An voila! You got yourself a cute, handmade new piece of furniture for your house!

  • 6 crates - aboute the same size
  • Betumen, or paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Screwes
  • Screwdriver