How to make corn quesadillas

Make Corn Quesadillas


Chop up your onion and bell pepper. Then Then drain your corn I'm using garbanzo beans instead:)

Chop up your onion and bell pepper. Then Then drain your corn I'm using garbanzo beans instead:)

Set a skillet on the stove put your bell pepper and onion inside. Keep Mixing them in there for about 1 minute.

Add your corn or garbanzo beans to the mix.

Now Add your  vinegar and your olive oil to the mix if you have honey add it now.

Now Add your vinegar and your olive oil to the mix if you have honey add it now.

Take it off the heat after 45 seconds. Then take your cookie sheet or cake pan and cover it with parchment paper.

Take some of your cheese and sprinkle it on top.

Take some of your cheese and sprinkle it on top.

Now roll your totilla and put it in the pan. Continue with the rest of your tortillas. Now preheat Your boiler on high

Leave them in there for about 3 min. they might even be done by 2 min.



  • 1.0 Red onion
  • 1/2 Red or Orange Bell Pepper
  • 7.0oz Corn
  • Shredded Cheese
  • 1.0Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1.0Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1.0Tbsp (optional) Honey
  • 4.0 Flour or Corn Tortillas
  • 1/4c Salsa, or more :)
  • A skillet
  • A Wooden Spoon
  • A cookie sheet or Cake Pan
  • Parchment paper