How to make cookie bowls

Make Cookie Bowls


Gather supplies.  I had sugar cookie dough on hand, but this can be done with any flavor.

Gather supplies. I had sugar cookie dough on hand, but this can be done with any flavor.

Coat your cupcake tin well with the baking spray. I tend to go a bit overboard so I don't have such a big mess to clean up afterwards with baked on cookie dough.

Coat your cupcake tin well with the baking spray. I tend to go a bit overboard so I don't have such a big mess to clean up afterwards with baked on cookie dough.

Slice your cookie dough about a 1/4-1/2 inch thick.

Slice your cookie dough about a 1/4-1/2 inch thick.

Put a slice in each cup.

Put a slice in each cup.

Press dough down and form a bowl.  The back of a spoon or ice cream scoop can help with this process.  Put in preheated 375 degree oven to bake.

Press dough down and form a bowl. The back of a spoon or ice cream scoop can help with this process. Put in preheated 375 degree oven to bake.

These took about 15 mins to cook.  I pulled them out at about 10 minutes.  The dough will puff up, gently 'drop' pan onto counter covered with a towel.  Put back in oven and finish cooking.

These took about 15 mins to cook. I pulled them out at about 10 minutes. The dough will puff up, gently 'drop' pan onto counter covered with a towel. Put back in oven and finish cooking.

When done cooking, use your ice cream scoop to again form a bowl, while cookie is still warm.

When done cooking, use your ice cream scoop to again form a bowl, while cookie is still warm.

Let cool completely in pan before removing.

Let cool completely in pan before removing.

When cool, use a butter knife to carefully circle around cookie and 'release' cookie from pan.

When cool, use a butter knife to carefully circle around cookie and 'release' cookie from pan.

Keep in airtight container until ready to fill & serve.

Keep in airtight container until ready to fill & serve.

Works well with ice cream....

Works well with ice cream....

Or yogurt with sliced strawberries.  Enjoy with whatever you choose!

Or yogurt with sliced strawberries. Enjoy with whatever you choose!

  • Cookie dough
  • Baking non-stick Cooking Spray
  • Cupcake pan