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C'mon, we all have those 3D glasses we took from the movies. Here's how you can make them even more fun!

C'mon, we all have those 3D glasses we took from the movies. Here's how you can make them even more fun!

Lightly paint the glasses white, this will make a great base for your color and make the color pop more.

Lightly paint the glasses white, this will make a great base for your color and make the color pop more.

Wait for it to dry, or just blow dry it (I'm not very patient)

Wait for it to dry, or just blow dry it (I'm not very patient)

Now paint the glasses whatever color you want as your base (I did light yellow since it looks good under most other colors)

Now paint the glasses whatever color you want as your base (I did light yellow since it looks good under most other colors)

Dry it again!

Dry it again!

Go back and a a second coat of paint. After that's dry, make any finishing touches

Choose a color that contrasts with the one you used (I mixed red and white for a pinky raspberry ish color)

Choose a color that contrasts with the one you used (I mixed red and white for a pinky raspberry ish color)

And use it to paint the inside of the glasses (this is optional, I just think it looks really cool)

And use it to paint the inside of the glasses (this is optional, I just think it looks really cool)

When it's dry, fold over the arm you want to paint and add your pattern

When it's dry, fold over the arm you want to paint and add your pattern

Wait for it to dry then turn it over and paint the front of your glasses

Wait for it to dry then turn it over and paint the front of your glasses

Now you have to make sure the glasses are super duper dry!

Add your topcoat to the glasses-your going to need a good 2 coats

Once it's dry, it's ready to wear! Have fun!

  • 3D glasses
  • Paint
  • Blow dryer (optional)
  • Clear nail polish
  • Bowl with water
  • Plastic plate
  • Paper towels