How to make christian valentine's craft

Make Christian Valentine's Craft


Jackson is learning so many things. Big on his list are tying his shoes and reading. He loves when I put notes for him to read in his lunch box. He says it's like getting "a secret message."

Jackson is learning so many things. Big on his list are tying his shoes and reading. He loves when I put notes for him to read in his lunch box. He says it's like getting "a secret message."

It's Valentine's day and we should do a project. Why not one  teaching the Word of God, and incorporating his new skills at the same time? "The MESSAGE" in a bottle.

It's Valentine's day and we should do a project. Why not one teaching the Word of God, and incorporating his new skills at the same time? "The MESSAGE" in a bottle.

 Write messages on name badges. There are many verses about love in the bible. These are some easy to understand verses. Each day we will talk about the meaning of one & how to apply it in our lives.

Write messages on name badges. There are many verses about love in the bible. These are some easy to understand verses. Each day we will talk about the meaning of one & how to apply it in our lives.

I rolled up the badges & held them while he tied on the yarn. I cut it extra long so that he\u2019d have enough to practice with. After several attempts, he got it!! I just kept rolling and he kept tying.

I rolled up the badges & held them while he tied on the yarn. I cut it extra long so that he’d have enough to practice with. After several attempts, he got it!! I just kept rolling and he kept tying.

When all of the messages were tied up, we stuffed them into the bottle.

When all of the messages were tied up, we stuffed them into the bottle.

In the weeks leading up to Valentine\u2019s Day, Jackson can take out one of the messages, open it up, and read it aloud. Then we will talk about it.  They're stickers so he can put them up as a reminder.

In the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, Jackson can take out one of the messages, open it up, and read it aloud. Then we will talk about it. They're stickers so he can put them up as a reminder.

Jackson told me he loves it when I take the time to do crafts with him because it makes him feel loved. I told him that Jesus wanted us to love each other, just as He loved us. We read John 13:34-35.

Jackson told me he loves it when I take the time to do crafts with him because it makes him feel loved. I told him that Jesus wanted us to love each other, just as He loved us. We read John 13:34-35.

We talked about how we show love to the people in our lives. I asked him, “How do you show your love to Mommy and Daddy?" He said, “I tell you, I say nice things about you.

To Jesus? Jackson answered, “By staying on the good side. Doing the right thing. I can show him love by being nice to everyone.” To your sister? “I give her hugs and kisses. Sharing my toys with her."

I asked how Jackson would show love to people in his life, like his teacher, coach, neighbors, and even people we don't know. He answered, \u201cI can pray for them. I think Jesus would really like that!\u201d

I asked how Jackson would show love to people in his life, like his teacher, coach, neighbors, and even people we don't know. He answered, “I can pray for them. I think Jesus would really like that!”

Find free children's activities with meaningful messages at Our purpose is to teach children about Jesus. Egglo features the glow-in-the-dark Egglo Egg hunt to see the light of Jesus.

Find free children's activities with meaningful messages at Our purpose is to teach children about Jesus. Egglo features the glow-in-the-dark Egglo Egg hunt to see the light of Jesus.

  • 1.0 Heart jar with cork (99 cent store)
  • 12.0 Stick-on name badges
  • 1.0 Red yarn or string
  • 2.0 Pens
  • 1.0 Scissors