How to make chocolate covered peanut butter rice krispies

Make Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Rice Krispies


Ingredients you will need

Ingredients you will need

Put sugar and corn syrup in bowl and mix

Put sugar and corn syrup in bowl and mix

Heat until he mixture boils and is clear, not including the bubbles on top

Heat until he mixture boils and is clear, not including the bubbles on top

Add peanut butter and stir until smooth

Add peanut butter and stir until smooth

Now you are ready for the Rice Krispies

Now you are ready for the Rice Krispies

Add your Rice Krispies you can either add them one cup at a time or all at once

Add your Rice Krispies you can either add them one cup at a time or all at once

Mix well and make sure to scrape the bottom up

Mix well and make sure to scrape the bottom up

Pour into 9/13 in pan

Pour into 9/13 in pan

Press evenly into pan and set aside

Press evenly into pan and set aside

Pour chocolate and butterscotch chips in bowl and mix together

Pour chocolate and butterscotch chips in bowl and mix together

Heat chips until melty but not fully melted, then stir until fully melted and smooth (no lumps)

Heat chips until melty but not fully melted, then stir until fully melted and smooth (no lumps)

Spread evenly over Rice Krispies with spoon or spatula

Spread evenly over Rice Krispies with spoon or spatula

Cool in either refrigerator or on counter. As soon as the chocolate topping is cool cut to desired size and enjoy

Cool in either refrigerator or on counter. As soon as the chocolate topping is cool cut to desired size and enjoy

  • 1.0c sugar
  • 1.0c corn syrup
  • 1.0c Peanut butter
  • 6.0c Rice Krispies
  • 1/2 bag chocolate chips
  • 1/2 bag butterscotch chips
  • 1.0 Bowl or pan
  • 1.0 9/13 pan