Here are the supplies we will be using.
First lets make the chocolate, boil water in a medium pot the amount doesn't really matter as long as it less than half so it doesn't spill.
When the water boils, lower the heat so it simmers. Place the chocolate chips in another smaller pot so it floats on the hot water. Grab a fork or whisk to move it around as it melts .
If its too hot, get a grip with an oven mitt or something that won't burn your hands. When it melts and nice and gooey turn of the heat and leave it there for later.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
Grab your bacon, spray-on butter, and your pan. (I'm using a cake pop pan)
Spray just a little bit of butter wherever you plan to place your bacon.
Make sure you have all you bacon on there.
Put your lovely creations in the oven for 20-35 minutes depending on how soft or crispy you want it. ( I left mine for 25 minutes )
Meanwhile, get a place prepare a napkin to place your greasy bacon.
Here they are fresh out of the oven.
Place them on the plate with the napkin while they cool off.
You don't have to put any chocolate if you don't want to and if you are putting chocolate then don't worry if they fall over you can always fix them.
When you've finished your chocolate craze place them in the fridge to harden for 30 minutes or longer.
Get your vase and sticks. I'm using cake pop sticks and a wine glass. If you actually want to make it look like a bouquet then get plastic roses from your local craft store or 99 cents store.
If you get roses then remove the petals and you'll end up with a nice stem for your awesome roses. Put the bacon roses through whatever stick you decide to use and feel free to devour the beauties.
Here is my little bouquet. If you take your time (unlike me) they will look better.
Enjoy your newfound delight. 😊💕 Please Like and Follow for More Delish Treats. ❤
- 1.0 Pack of Thick cut bacon
- 1.0 Bag of Semisweet chocolate chips
- 2.0 Pots
- 1.0 Mini muffin pan/Cake pop pan
- Plastic Roses (for stems)/cake pop sticks
- Vase
- Plate and napkins
- Spray-on butter
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