How to make chicken pot pie

Make Chicken Pot Pie


Get the ingredients. Pie crust, cooked chicken breast, carrots, green beans, corn, potatoes, condensed chicken broth.

Prepare all of the vegetables. Wash and peel them.

Cut the chicken into small pieces

Put the chicken and veggies into a Pyrex measuring cup. Add enough condensed chicken broth to cover the ingredients.

Lay the crust out in a pie bowl and put the ingredients onto the crust

Put the other pie crust on top of the ingredients and smush the edges together

Put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Once it is done make sure to use 2 oven mitts to get it out. It is pretty heavy and is a filling meal.

Let it cool for about 5 minutes and then enjoy!!!!!

The insides

The insides

Extra flavor

Extra flavor

The finished product with my fruits and dairy

The finished product with my fruits and dairy

(She was not amused by the picture)

(She was not amused by the picture)

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients