How to make cherry blossoms from egg crates

Make Cherry Blossoms From Egg Crates


Cut the cardboard egg carton pretty much along the lines given in each cup. Cut as many as you think you'll need.

Using the scored lines already in the egg cup, cut four times towards center but stopping at the center ring. Cut every other scored line.

Use scissors to round the edges of the flowers as shown on the flower on the right.

Now you're ready to paint. I'm making cherry blossoms so I'll paint with pink, but you could use any color. Also, you could cut every scored line and create a daisy as shown

I've hot glued mine onto curly willow branches to make a party centerpiece.

I've hot glued mine onto curly willow branches to make a party centerpiece.

  • 1.0 Egg carton (cardboard is best)
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • Craft paint