How to make caramelized sugar garnish

Make Caramelized Sugar Garnish


Materials needed: Tablespoon, Small bowl, Sauce pot, Wooden spatula, vegetable oil, Dry measuring cup, Sugar, parchment paper

Materials needed: Tablespoon, Small bowl, Sauce pot, Wooden spatula, vegetable oil, Dry measuring cup, Sugar, parchment paper

Measure 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in small bowl. Measure 1 cup of sugar into sauce pot.

Measure 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in small bowl. Measure 1 cup of sugar into sauce pot.

Heat sugar onto oven over medium heat

Heat sugar onto oven over medium heat

As the sugar begins to break down into liquid, stir constantly

As the sugar begins to break down into liquid, stir constantly

You'll want the caramelized sugar to be a brown ombre color,and  thick sticky texture.

You'll want the caramelized sugar to be a brown ombre color,and thick sticky texture.

Rub a tiny bit of vegetable oil on the parchment paper

Rub a tiny bit of vegetable oil on the parchment paper

Take your wooden spatula (or as i recommend a metal spoon) and create vertical lines stacked on top of horizontal lines. the further above the spoon, the smaller the lines

Take your wooden spatula (or as i recommend a metal spoon) and create vertical lines stacked on top of horizontal lines. the further above the spoon, the smaller the lines

After caramelized sugar cools down, carefully remove the parchment paper away from garnish.

After caramelized sugar cools down, carefully remove the parchment paper away from garnish.

Finally you have a caramelized sugar garnish ready to be eaten with dessert!

Finally you have a caramelized sugar garnish ready to be eaten with dessert!

You can also create cool different designs with the garnish as well!

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients