How to make caramel hot chocolate

Make Caramel Hot Chocolate


Fill your microwave-safe mug almost all the way with milk.

Fill your microwave-safe mug almost all the way with milk.

Warm it up (about 1:00 in the microwave), and add your hot chocolate mix. Recipe on the next slide.\u27a1\ufe0f

Warm it up (about 1:00 in the microwave), and add your hot chocolate mix. Recipe on the next slide.➡️

To make your own hot chocolate mix, (only makes 1 cup of hot chocolate), just mix 2 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of cocoa powder, and a pinch of salt. Boom! Your own personal hot chocolats mix.



Heat up your Caramel (about 15-17 sec.), and add it to your hot chocolate.

Heat up your Caramel (about 15-17 sec.), and add it to your hot chocolate.



Done! Bonus: you can even add caramel coffee creamer to enhance the flavor! Enjoy!

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The creator of this guide has not included ingredients