How to make blood splatter nails

Make Blood Splatter Nails


Start with a white base coat (please excuse the mess. I'm doing this with my left hand, which isn't great.)

Start with a white base coat (please excuse the mess. I'm doing this with my left hand, which isn't great.)

Put a dot of red nail polish on your nail. Male sure there's a lot. :)

Put a dot of red nail polish on your nail. Male sure there's a lot. :)

Spread it around a little bit, adding some dots. (Only a few)

Spread it around a little bit, adding some dots. (Only a few)

Add 2 dots on some nails! :)

Add 2 dots on some nails! :)

Once dry, add your top coat! :) then you're done!

Bam! You're done (once again, sorry for the mess!)

  • Red Nail polish
  • White Nail polish