How to make "better than reese's" chocolate / pb bars
Make "Better Than Reese's" Chocolate / PB Bars
Gather ingredients
Unwrap your stick of butter and microwave it for 60 seconds on high power.
Measure out all of your ingredients
Stir until well blended
Should be the thickness of cookie dough, but not as sticky. If it's sticky, add some more graham cracker crumbs.
Smooth out into a small casserole pan
Put your cup of chocolate in the micro for 60 seconds
Take it out after 60 seconds and break up the big chunks. Pop it back in again for 1 minute more.
It should be smooth and completely melted now.
Pour all the chocolate on top of your peanut butter mixture.
Smooth it out to the edges
Place in the freezer for 25 minutes. If you leave it in longer, it's gonna have to thaw before you can cut it.
Start to to cut up your squares when your bar is just below room temperature. This recipe makes 16 (large) squares.
Do you have a favorite Reese's dessert? Comment below!
Update: Thank you for making this a popular guide!! 😍🎉❌⭕️
Now a featured guide!! Thanks y'all! 😍
- 1.0c Peanut butter
- 1.0c Graham cracker crumbs
- 1.0c Powdered sugar
- 1/2c Butter
- 1.0c Almond Bark/Chocolate coating
Fallon Michael
She's crazy, she's real. She's got big heart and a loud voice. • Photographer • Singer • Dreamer • Country Gal • Lover of bacon • // 6 & Canon6D \\
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